Road Trip

Took another road trip yesterday, this time to explore some of Fond du Lac County Parks.

It did not go as planned.

My first stop was at Riggs County Park in Ripon, and I only planned to stay there a short time, not three hours. But rarely am I ever on a real schedule, and the experience is always better when I take my time. Most things are.

The hardest part was keeping my eyes on the road. My eyes were constantly scanning for Rural Decay and because of the cirrus clouds drifting above us I was hoping to get a glimpse of the rare circumhorizon arcs.

Then I traveled to Rienzi Cemetery and my old Death Watch Ledge Homestead. Rienzi was a busy place, and I witnessed at least one person wandering the grounds with camera in hand, just like I was. When I left for my Road Trip it was around 11 in the morning, and when I left Rienzi it was 5-ish. The Ledge Homestead had a surprise in store for me. Someone is mowing the lawn there. As I wandered the grounds I found the riding mower inside a decrepit barn.

Whether it is out of cowardice or presence of mind I won't explore an empty building alone. Maybe it's from watching Lassie or Little House on the Prairie, or Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Either way, a part of me is convinced that someone is watching from inside and is just waiting for me to turn my back. I felt this BIG TIME at this barn (pictured here).

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