Rienzi Cemetery - Fond du Lac

Rienzi Cemetery, Empire/Fond du Lac (Fond du Lac Cty)

Local genealogy site has a wealth of information including the care of copying headstone inscriptions, and a link to civil war letters.

A nondenominational cemetery, it holds all the elements of a site worth visiting. I am continually impressed with what I find during research because it illustrates our need to preserve and pass on the knowledge of our families.

It also happens to be my favorite place for driving lessons.  I fondly remember an occasion where my aunt let me drive in a cemetery when we were attending a reunion in Michigan.

Where to find: Outskirts of Fond du Lac. Heading east on Hwy 23, follow it halfway up hill, then take Cty Hwy K right. You will pass my Ledge Homestead haunt, and also the ginormous Lutheran Church. Continue through the 4 way stop and it will be on your left. You can't miss it. It looks like a cemetery.

What to expect: Classic tombstones of the 1800s, veteran site, pet cemetery, pauper's section and also one devoted to the Jewish Holocaust victims. A diverse collection of headstones and a parklike setting. On my Flickr site you will see some headstones that are in the language of that person's homeland, which I have never seen before. Have you?

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