Road Trip - Washington Cty

Lucas Lake
Originally uploaded by WheretogoWisconsin
Ridge Run Cty Park, West Bend

See that building off in the distance? That is the lodge for the Girl Scout Camp, which is a no trespassing zone, as noted by the plethora of signs posted above a heavily traveled path right into it.

A gorgeous day, and I dragged my kids with me. Didn't see or experience anything out of the ordinary. Skipped stones, caught frogs, and made them pose for me.

We also stopped at Riveredge Nature Center in Newburg, which was closed, so we did not spend that much time there. Then the kids were complaining of being bored. They were sick of being around nature and wanted to head home. So after a short battle with pinecones, we nursed our scratches and scrapes and headed to Canton House to get a quick meal to take back home in Oshkosh.

to be continued...

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