Kohler-Andrae State Park - Sheboygan

Sheboygan (Sheboygan Cty)

Used to be called Terry Andrae State Park.   I have mixed feelings about this park. It is right on the lake which is great for those who want to avoid the crowd at any other beach and you don't have to go far to get a snack or go to the bathroom. It has a very nice Interactive Nature Center; however you wouldn't know that as I could not find any mention of it anywhere except for the Wildernet.com site I stumbled onto, which I now have bookmarked. It is called The Sanderling Nature Center,

You know, one shouldn't have to work so hard to get information....which confirms yet again why I should continue putting this blog together. Well, enough about me for now.

On a humorous note, the DNR page boasts it being ' naturally air conditioned'.

Typically there is about a 10-degree difference lakeside (don't quote me on this, I'm using my 'feels-like' barometer, though I will accept the credit if I am correct). On most days that means, bring a jacket, just in case.

Where to find: From I-43 take Cty Rd OK/V (exit 120) east, turning right onto Cty Rd V about 2 miles. Cty Rd V will curve left (north) to the northern trail head and P1 Parking, but you to reach the nature center,continue straight on Beach Park Ln. It will fork in a few places but you want to be going south and P3 Parking is the nature center. (map)

What to expect:   * Park Permit required (day passes can be purchased).  Sand, and lots of it everywhere. Lots of camping available, though in reading the reviews on the WILDERNET site, there is a mention about ANTS. Also, there is Looping and Non-Looping, specifically: Creeping Juniper Nature Trail, and Woodland Dunes Nature Trail (ADA segment) -- I don't know if this trail is linked with WOODLAND DUNES NATURE CENTER (Manitowoc-Two Rivers area), that part I am still researching and will update accordingly (at this point I'm thinking there's no connection).

One final note: I am totally thrilled to have found the Wildernet.com site. To be honest, it is exactly what I envisioned this blog to be, but even more technical than what I have the patience for. When surfing, you will have to scroll down to find more information and the Trip Reports which is the the area for reading the reviews, just like my site. And you have to be registered, just like my site.

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