Lakeview Cemetery - Stockbridge

Stockbridge, Calumet Cty

Only a few will catalog their visit to a cemetery, for good reasons I suppose. Not every one will understand the allure of walking amongst those whose bones have been resting as long, if not longer than Wisconsin's statehood was declared.

A coworker mentioned this small plot and on my first try I didn't find it. As a matter of fact, I completely missed a HUGE county park on a road I swore I drove on. Oy vey, what does it matter anyhow.

A ginormous tree guards the entrance to the cemetery. We don't see too many trees that last this long 'fore weather or disease lays it to waste. Incidentially, this tree is a DNR registered Champion Tree and can be found by searching their database by county name (Calumet).

During my investigation, there are a number of headstones that are broken, felled, and in one corner appears to be several that collided in a great upheaval of sorts, by natural forces or otherwise. If you follow the image link you will see a better image of how many stones there are. It's disturbing to see this in a cemetery. I have always taken for granted that someone is acting a caretaker, and at Rienzi Cemetery, there is actually an effort within the community to volunteer their time and materials to maintain the site.

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