
Here is a screenshot of my new character, currently a lvl 13 Warlock, looking somewhat transparent at the moment. This is her typical state, though usually not posing for a camera, but looking forlornly at her dead body, which she is standing next to.

I chose her name as Theodora, and once I almost named one of my kids after her. She really was a remarkable woman, at least that's how the wiki has written about her. When I was quite young, I think I was a tween, but my uncle gave me a book on powerful women in history. The link is not what I had gotten, but it was similar enough. Speaking of books and tweens here is another book I received from my other uncle, I Am Not A Short Adult. I have to wonder if that book was more a hint to my parents than it was for me. I thoroughly enjoyed it and am pleased it is still available. Maybe I should get it before their uncle gift's it to one of my kids.

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