Lake Geneva - Geneva Lake

The lake of Geneva is Geneva Lake.

This is where my wanderlust was awakened, and I would be remiss if I didn't note it somewhere. The 70's was the best time to be a kid. Early summer mornings would start when the front screen door slams and I was gone til suppertime, barefoot and pine sap in my hair. We lived in this summer home year round for four years. Rent back then was $150/mo. There was no basement and I know there was no furnace but a large unit that sat in our living room and a wood burning stove we put in ourselves. I really don't know how we didn't freeze to death in that home as a few of the chickens we raised had.

Heading down Linn Rd there is a small boat ramp, pier and grassy spots and one of the entrances to the Lake Path, such as the one I mentioned in cemeteries. Several years ago I took my kids down to show them where I used to live, and made it down to the lake path entrance and my oldest,then 14 would not go. He was worried about trespassing, and at the time I knew the lake path was well worn from use but did not know that the city owns a sidewalk-size strip around the lake until I looked it up after coming home. To be honest, trespassing is a moral grey area for me. I'd like to think that God and I have struck a bargain, but I really won't know until we meet I suppose.

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