Ice Age Trail

(Washington Cty)
There used to be a map (black & white) that showed where the Ice Age Trail meanders through West Bend. Perhaps it was in the phone book. In searching for map links I was dismayed at what I found: the Washington County Parks board managed to completely avoid the other county park that has the Ice Age Trail on it: Glacier Blue Hills in West Bend. They don't even mention it on their County Parks Site. Maybe it's because there's no shelters to rent,no bathrooms, just a wild expanse of woods and prarie with a spring fed pond to boot. It's where everyone takes their dogs (and kids).

As a matter of fact, you can actually pickup the trail behind Pick-n-Save, corner of Hwy 33 and B and hike north, crossing roads Park Ave and Beaver Dam Rd (Jefferson turns into Beaver Dam Rd), which is where the parking lot for Glacier Blue Hills Park is.
** UPDATE **

After some serious hunting, I found the West Bend Chamber's site, which had THE best map of the park system.

This all illustrates why I created this site. I want others to actually find that places that I enjoy going to and to learn from others as well.

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