Saturday Snowday with Christmas Wreaths

Art PrintsSo last week Wisconsin received it's first real taste of winter and I was deciding whether to head out for pictures or to stay in my jammies.

The snow won.

Donned in my snowpants and every bit of skin snugly wrapped as what you are supposed to in Wisconsin if you are smart and not fashion conscious.  Imagine Ralphie and brother Randy from A Christmas Story.  

Attractive, I know.

Today's post is really just a follow up with my winter adventuring.  Because of the weather I had taken careful precautions to protect my camera, which had the unintended effect of poor focusing due to my autofocus being hampered by a hair band or the edges blurred by the edges of grocery bag.   The lens hood I thought was firmly attached flopped off into the snow not 50 feet from my front door.  Not the greatest start but I was determined to press on.

Today's scene is what I consider a whimsical composition to celebrate the contrasts of harsh snow and Christmas cheer.   In real life the streetlights were not lit and there are no lighted wreaths hanging joyfully.  This largely stark scene at Menominee Park has been dressed up as I carefully tread into the world of creative compositions using Photoshop Elements.  

If you look at my compositions you will see that I really am a minimalist at heart.   I love trees, silhouettes and simple sunrises. So I was happy that this scene turned out as I'd hoped; highlighting the blowing snow,  This area is the only stretch of parkway that is free from the wires and frames of the Celebration of Lights displays.  So really in order for me to get a Christmassy feeling it would have to be in post production.

A lot of really neat compositions can be made just by throwing together different scenes, adding textures, custom brush effects and with a lot of patience and perseverance they can be on par with original paintings.   On my Flickr account I follow the work of Cheryl Tarrant.  She seems to make it look so easy and after a handful of years I really haven't made a dent in my creative works.

Today's composition is just a beginning for me.  The next week or so I'll be staring at this from time to time to determine if any further tweaks are needed.  Maybe boosting some contrasts or remove the opacity levels of the wreaths so they stand out more.   All in all it was a fun exercise.   The lights added to the streetlight and wreaths were done by using the steps outlined by Bitesize Business School.  

Celebrating First Real Snow in 2016

I can see from my window that a proper Wisconsin winter has finally arrived.  It's easy for me to pick an appropriate photo which is from my Death Watch collection Winter Ledge Homestead.   The sound track for this post was from Skyrim.  As mentioned in my Facebook post, if God needed a soundtrack for creation I would have recommended this.   At the bottom of this post is the video for your listening pleasure.  You are most welcome.

Yesterday (Saturday) I passed a couple walking with their ski poles.  It was somewhat kooky looking but knew that it was all in preparation for today's treat of gliding on skis whether on a trail or just across town to get a coffee or cocoa.    I recall a glorious evening when I strolled through Main Street in West Bend one wintery evening with a friend. No cars in sight, just a ghostly ribbon of road only visible by the amber colored streetlights.   From the top of Barton Road one could have probably skied to downtown.  

Sell Art OnlineAs I am writing this I'm cognizant that this is probably the best chance I'll have to get some fresh winter photos and really I don't have to go far if I don't want to.  So Gentle Reader I'm weighing this decision as I'm still in my pajamas and resting quite comfortably in a warm home to watch the snow fall and consider baking Christmas cookies.   But some of my best photographic memories are ones where I'm surrounded in the worst weather. So you know my conundrum.

In fact, the snow fall is very much like what I encountered when taking Winter Ledge.  Usually I listen to classical when driving in snow but the Skyrim soundtrack is also perfect considering the game's environment includes snow covered mountainous regions. I could probably do a full essay on Skyrim's soundtrack but perhaps another time.

The snow is still falling and I have a decision to make.