Winter Walkabout - Hobbs Woods

Taken February 2015

It's been awhile since my last upload.    I was driving with my adult son Aaron, looking for inspiration and ultimately ended up on Fond du Lac.

Sell Art OnlineFor winter subjects I look for brooks or streams with open water and at Hobbs Woods it was exactly what I was looking for. There were a few cars there but the park is big enough (60 acres) that you occasionally crossed paths each other.

One woman was with her two spaniels when one of them broke through the ice. Aaron and I were close enough to help if needed, and within about 10 seconds she was out of the cold water.   The now wet dog saved herself and made a bee line for us.   She had to tell us her story and shook herself off next to us before running back into the snow.   Not exactly the greeting I was looking for and made sure my camera was tucked away.

So if ever you are in the area - Hobbs Woods is located on Hickory Street, heading east, looking for the farm with 7 blue silos known as Cotton Wood Creek Farm.

Wheretofind: Hwy 41 to Hickory Road Exit, head west (away from Fondy) and you will be going through an industrial park. Continue following this road until you reach the stop sign which is the corner of Hickory and Larsen. Ahead of you is a farm to the right, and right across from that is the entrance to Hobbs Woods.

What to expectShallow creeks, natural trails, steep hills with some rest benches, cross country ski trail. No bathroom unless you count the privacy provided by trees and shrubbery.